Unallocated Fee Payments
The following payments have been received and are unable to be allocated in Revex. Any updates provided by you since the 'last updated' date below will not be reflected.
Last updated 8th November 2024​​
**still unallocated since previous notification - please click HERE to refer to the Unallocated Fees Policy.
To claim or provide further information on any of the above (a new window will open)
Action Notes:
1. No such client in Revex
Create the client, invoice and ongoing fee plan (if applicable) in Revex, please refer to the 'How to' guides on the Training Material page of the Adviser Portal.
2. No invoice in Revex
Create a one-off manual invoice or an ongoing fee plan in Revex, please refer to 'How to' guides on the Training Material page of the Adviser Portal.
3. Client is quoting unclear reference in their bank transfer
If a one-off payment the client should use the invoice number, or
If an ongoing payment the client should use the Revex account ID as noted in the client’s record.
4. The ongoing fee plan is closed
Ensure a new service agreement is in place and create a new ongoing fee plan in Revex, please refer to 'How to' guides on the Training Material page of the Adviser Portal, or
obtain bank details from your client to refund the excess payment
5. Invoice in Revex is for a different amount
If the payment received is:
i) but the invoice in Revex is incorrect, please delete the invoice in Revex and create a new one, or
ii) confirm the payment received is a part payment of the existing invoice
Incorrect, please advise how the payment is to be treated
6. Multiple invoices outstanding for the same amount
Please advise which invoice the payment is to be applied to. If you are not expecting to receive payment for the remaining invoice(s), let us know and we will arrange credits to wipe the fees.
7. Invoice referenced is already paid
Please provide the correct invoice, or
Advise how the payment is to be treated, eg. refunded to the client.
​8. Multiple payments received, no/not enough outstanding invoice/s
If all payments are to be applied, please create additional invoices, or
If the excess payment/s are to be refunded, please supply a copy of the client's bank statement showing their BSB, account number and account name (email admin@ifa-aust.com.au for more information if required)
To ensure the payments are included in the current month’s report please attend to the action items by the last working day of the month otherwise the funds may remain unallocated and will be rolled over to the following month.