The IFA-Aust Risk Profile Portfolios (model portfolios) have now been updated to 31st July 2022 and the spreadsheet with the new figures is available for download in the policies section of the Adviser Portal.
For those of you using AdviserLogic they have also been updated and can be found in under Digital Advice, Advice Tools.
Some points to note are:
Increases in Listed Infrastructure in 20-80, 40-60, 60-40 and 80-20 by 1.5%
Decreases in Aust Fixed Interest in 20-80, 40-60, 60-40 and 80-20 by 1%
Decreases in Global Fixed Interest in 20-80, 40-60, 60-40 and 80-20 by 0.5%
Average Historical Returns - all profiles down 0.1% or less.
Average Real Returns - all profiles down 0.1% or less.
Worse return over any 12 mths - all down 1% since last qtr
Likelihood of -'ve return (1yr in Xyrs) - 20-80 down 3.11, all other profiles down 0.05% or less
Likelihood of -'ve return over any 12mths - all profiles (except 0-100) up 0.6% or less
To access the updated asset allocations.
The next update will be done after the end of the next financial quarter as figures become available.