We have recently updated our CPD policy, and you will find the November 22 version on the Compliance/Policies page, or by clicking HERE.
Please take a couple of minutes to familiarise yourself with the policy. The main changes are:
The IFA-Aust requirement for all advisers to be Qualified Tax Relevant Providers (QTRP) – this is effective from 1st January 2023 & a separate post to summarise these requirements will be sent prior to Christmas
The addition of 5 hours of qualifying CPD in the area of tax (financial) advice will now be included in the 40 hours of required CPD for every adviser (from 1st January 2023) – this will be added as a requirement in their next CPD plan
References to FASEA have now been removed, replaced with ‘Financial Adviser Standards’ or ‘Treasury’, as required.